Published (first date is the preprint date)

  1. 2013 Valued modules over skew polynomial rings I. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 82(4), 1519-1540, 2017 journal / arxiv
  2. 2013 Quantifier elimination for valued fields equipped with an automorphism, with Salih Durhan. Selecta Mathematica-New Series 21(4) 1177-1201, 2015 journal / arxiv
  3. 2017 Fields with automorphism and valuations, with O.Beyarslan, D.Hofmann and D. Pierce. Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7), 997-1008, 2020 journal / arxiv
  4. 2021 Bolstering Stochastic Gradient Descent with Model Building, with Birbil, Martin and Oztoprak.TOP 2024


  • 2018 $F_p((X))$ is decidable as a module over the additive polynomials. arxiv
  • 2018 Valued modules over skew polynomial rings II. arxiv
  • 2019 Modules C-minimaux sur des anneaux polynomes tordus. arxiv
  • Knaster-tarski teoremi. Matematik Dünyası. (103).

Unfinished Works:

  • Axiomatization of Laurent Series over $\mathbb{F_p}^{alg}$. Joint with Arno Fehm and Françoise Delon.

Remark: This work has been suspended after a gap has appeared in the proof, nonetheless, I still believe to the provided conjecture. Looking forward to developping it. See slides from Oxford Talk: link