Current Courses⌗
Mat 407⌗
Mat 204 (Introduction to Algebraic Structures)⌗
Mathématique L3 Algèbre, Aviva Szpirglas
Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications, Thomas W. Judson, Robert A. Beezer http://abstract.ups.edu/aata/aata.html
An Inquiry Based Approach to Abstract Algebra, Dana C. Ernst https://danaernst.com/teaching/mat411f20/IBL-AbstractAlgebra.pdf
Cebir I - Temel Grup Teorisi, Ali Nesin https://nesinkoyleri.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cebir.pdf
Cours Bergeron https://bergeron.math.uqam.ca/fr/cours-2/mat-2250-theorie-des-groupes-2/
Example de groupes finis: https://www.wolframalpha.com/examples/mathematics/algebra/finite-groups
Mat 438 (Introduction to Logic)⌗
- René Cori et Daniel Lascar - Logique Mathématique, Tome 1 et Tome 2
- Martin Hils, François Loeser - A first journey through logic / https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~francois.loeser/stml089.pdf
- Zoé Chatzidakis - Cours de logique, ENS, automne 2015
2023 - 24⌗
Course | Resources |
Mat 407 | Partiel Final Projects |
Analyse II (Mat 102) | Exercices |
Algorithms (Mat 231) | Complexite Exercises 31.10.2023 Solutions 31.10.2023 Trier Trier 2 Arbres Recursion Terminal Projet |
Analyse I (Mat 101) | Exercises |
Introduction to ML (VM 532) | Summaries |
Previous Teaching Experience⌗
- Assistant
- Vertiefung Modelltheorie (Graduate)
- Übungen Blätter 0 bis 10 – Vertiefung Modelltheorie WS 2018/19
- Assistant
- Professor
- Topology (Graduate)
- Abstract Mathematics and Logic
- Number Theory
- Linear Algebra
- Graph Theory
- Combinatorics
- Metric Spaces
- Measure and Integration Theory
- Calculus 2
- Professor
- Assistant
- Calculus 1-2
- Linear Algebra 1-2
- Differential Calculus
- Assistant