Sismomath Demo Day (tr)

A Data Science Platform for Seismic Studies

Date 6.5.2024
Time: 15:00

Place: Galatasaray Üniversitesi Beşiktaş, Erdoğan Teziç Conference Room: Building H (opposite sea side), 3rd Floor.

Turkey is a country significantly affected by seismic activities. Therefore, advancements in seismic risk management and earthquake analysis are crucial. We believe that combining the expertise of seismologists, engineers and mathematicians on a data science platform will significantly advance the understanding of seismic activities.

We are pleased to showcase our demo instance, aimed at fostering collaboration among mathematicians, data scientists, and seismologists. Our platform, Sismomath, is powered by TetrasLab, an Open Source project developed by our French partner Tetras Libre. It allows researchers to work easily in a unified environment and share their results as Web apps for non-technical users.

The projet is founded by CONSORTIUM